Tales, Alerts and Actions


Tales are the heart and soul of the system. Tales are definitions for alerts and define such things as our time window for the events we seek, what query will run, thresholds, actions to take, etc.


Tales are kept in yaml files in $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tattle/tales, $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tales or in $TATTLE_HOME/etc/alerts.

To understand Tales, lets take a look at an example below. Please note, we will use this as a reference for the rest of the Tales documentation.

Example Tales

In this example, we will be finding all hosts in our environment that have a disk usage of greater than or equal to 90% for the past 1 hour. When a match is found, it will send us an alert via Pagerduty as well as an email for each key ( host in this case ) that was matched.

TQL Query with multiple aggregations and multiple actions example

name: "Disk Usage over 90 %"
description: "Disk Usage High on a host or series of hosts"
severity: "High"
tql_query: "summary.fullest_disk:>=90 | terms name=server, field=host.raw | avg name=fullest_disk, field=summary.fullest_disk"
exclude: 'host.raw:database4.mycompany.com'
index: "system-metrics-*"
enabled: 1
schedule: '* 8-18 * * mon-fri'
exclude_schedule: '30 12 * * *
    start: "now-1h"
    end: "now"
    type: "frequency"
    relation: "gt"
    qty: 0
    realert: "4h"
        length: 10
        random: true
        enabled: 1
        service_key: "TattleAlerts"
            match_key: "key"

        enabled: 1
            match_key: "key"
            - 'my_email@company.com'
            - 'alerts@company.com'

For more breakdown on this Tale, lets look at the Tale Definitions section.

Tale Definitions


  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Name of the alert


name: "Disk Usage >= 90%"``


  • Required: Yes
  • Description: A brief description of the tale.


description: "The disk usage on the server >= 90% on the root filesystem``


  • Required: No
  • Description: The severity of the alert. This is a string, and can be whatever you want. 1-5, Low-Crit, etc


severity: "High"


  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Whteher this Tale is enabled (1)(True) or disabled (0)(False)


# This alert is enabled
enabled: 1
# This alert is disabled
enabled: 0
# You can even use strings
enabled: "yes"
# Or even booleans
enabled: true


  • Required: Yes but only if you didnt specify an enabled
  • Description: The same thing as as enabled above, but with opposite logic. Tattle used to use the term disabled instead of enabled, but this old method is left in for legacy support. Please use the enabled term going forward with new Tales.


# This alert is enabled, not disabled
disabled: 0
# this alert is disabled
disabled: 1



tql_query: "summary.fullest_disk:>=90 | terms name=server, field=host.raw | avg name=fullest_disk, field=summary.fullest_disk"


  • Required Yes
  • Description: The index pattern where you the events you are searching reside. Default is logstash-*
  • More information:
    • Builds the index names that Tattle will search data against
      • It uses the start and end time in timeperiod of the Tale to determine which indexes to build/query against.
    • Its common to store timeseries based indexes in Elasticsearch. The most common format is store your data by day and append a date timestamp at the end of index. The most common format is YYYY.MM.DD. If you specify a * at the end of the index pattern in Tattle, ie logstash-*, then Tattle will build the indexs for you by day when it does its search.
    • If you store your indexes in a different time pattern or interval other than daily, then you can specify the time pattern and interval. See examples 2-4
    • If you done specify a pattern or interval or a *, then Tattle will search just that single index.
    • For more information on the tokens allowd for the patterns, please see the documentation for Arrow.

Example 1:

index: "system-metrics-*"

Makes index names similar to:

system-metrics-2016.01.01, system-metrics-2016.12.29 .... etc

Example 2 - specifying pattern and interval:

    name: "system-metrics-"
    pattern: "YYYY.MM.DD"
    interval: "day"

This would give us index names such as:

system-metrics-2016.01.01, system-metrics-2015.12.29, etc

Example 3 - specifying pattern as string:

index: "system-metrics-%{+YYYY.MM.DD}"

This would give us the same index names as Example 1 and 2 Example 4 - specifying pattern and interval as a string, not the interval at the end of the string after the : :

index: "system-metrics-%{+YYYY.MM.DD.HH}:hour"

Valid intervals are python datetime - year, month, week, day, hour, second This would build index names with hour intervals such as:

some-index-2015.12.29.00,some-index-2015.12.29.01,some-index-2015.12.29.02,some-index-2015.12.29.03,some-index-2015.12.29.04,some-index-2015.12.29.05,some-index-2015.12.29.06,some-index-2015.12.29.07, ... etc


  • Required No
  • Description: Specifies when a Tale should run, using cron syntax.
  • More Information: Sometimes you may only want to have a Tale run during business hours ( 8am - 6pm , mon-fri ). This allows you to specify when this Tale will run in cron format ( see example below )
  • Credit: This is using the parse-crontab module by Josiah Carlson which can be found here


If you do not specify a schedule for your Tale, then Tattle will run this Tale every time it runs.


The CRON scheulde you specify here will pertain to the timezone of the system Tattle is running on. If Tattle’s system is UTC, but you need this scheduled in EST, please account for that time difference.


schedule: "* 8-18 * * mon-fri"

Cron Examples:

30 \*/2 * * * -> 30 minutes past the hour every 2 hours
15,45 23 * * * -> 11:15PM and 11:45PM every day
0 1 ? * SUN -> 1AM every Sunday
0 1 * * SUN -> 1AM every Sunday (same as above)
0 0 1 jan/2 * 2011-2013 -> midnight on January 1, 2011 and the first of every odd month until the end of 2013
24 7 L * * -> 7:24 AM on the last day of every month
24 7 * * L5 -> 7:24 AM on the last friday of every month
24 7 * * Lwed-fri -> 7:24 AM on the last wednesday, thursday, and friday of every month


  • Required No
  • Description: Allows you to specify a time period for when this Tale will not run, in cron format. This would be the opposite of the schedule option
  • More information: Lets say you have a something that runs every saturday and sunday morning between 4am and 7am. You know its normal so you dont want to be alerted about it, but any other time you do. This parameter allows you to specify a window for Tale to not run at.
  • Credit: This is using the parse-crontab module by Josiah Carlson which can be found here


exclude_schedule: '* 4-7 * sat * '

Cron Examples:

30 \*/2 * * * -> 30 minutes past the hour every 2 hours
15,45 23 * * * -> 11:15PM and 11:45PM every day
0 1 ? * SUN -> 1AM every Sunday
0 1 * * SUN -> 1AM every Sunday (same as above)
0 0 1 jan/2 * 2011-2013 -> midnight on January 1, 2011 and the first of every odd month until the end of 2013
24 7 L * * -> 7:24 AM on the last day of every month
24 7 * * L5 -> 7:24 AM on the last friday of every month
24 7 * * Lwed-fri -> 7:24 AM on the last wednesday, thursday, and friday of every month


  • start, end
  • Required: Yes
  • Description: The timeperiod for events this Tale searches for. This is a rolling window using python-datemath as our start and end times.
  • More information:


    # The start of our alert window
    start: 'now-1h'
    # The end of our alert window
    end: 'now'


  • Required: No
  • Description: Allows you to specify query parameters to exclude form this Tale
  • Can also be a list of items as well, which Tattle will “OR” together
  • More information: For this example, lets say we dont want to see alerts for the host database4.company.com because its supposed to have a full disk, we can use this to parameter to exclude that host from the tale. This parameter accepts Lucne query syntax


exclude: "host:database4.company.com OR host:database5.company.com"


  • “host:database4.company.com”
  • “host:database5.company.com”
  • some other string



  • Required: Yes
  • Description: The type of the alert
  • Values
    • frequency or number_of_events
      • Description: If the number of events meets our relation and qty
    • agg_match
      • Description: If our value meets a regular expression match of “something”


  • Required: Yes
  • Description: If our event count meets our relation, then the alert should fire
  • Values
    • eq, = - Equal To
    • ne, != - Not Equal To
    • lt, < - Less Than
    • gt, > - Greater Than
    • le, <= - Less Than or Equal To
    • ge, >= - Greater Than or Equal To


  • Required: Yes
  • Description: What we compare our relation to


## If our number of events is greater than or equal to 10, then we should alert
relation: ">="
qty: 10


  • Required: Yes
  • Description: How long Tattle will wait before it will re-alert on this Tale. If Tattle is still finding matches for this Tale, but we are within the re-alert threshold, then Tattle will not alert.
  • Notes:
    • Every time Tattle fires an alert, it stores it in the Tattle index in Elasticserach ( default is tattle-int ). When the Tale gets loaded, one of the first thing it does it check to see when the last time this Tale fired. It then compares the last time to the realert threshold, diffs the two and if we are beyone our re-alert threshold, then Tattle will re-fire the Tale.
    • It uses simple datemath like so:
      • 1h
      • 2m
      • 3d


# Don't alert us to this again for 1 hour
realert: "1h"


  • Required: Yes
  • Description: If Tattle should return the matches it found. It will return those matches in whatever action you have configured
  • Notes:
    • Sometimes you can get many matches ( hundreds or thousands for example ). With the random: True or length: 10 stanzas Tattle can return a randam sample of 10 results


# Assuming we could get hundreds of matches back
    # Return back a random sample of 20 results
    random: true
    length: 20


Alert Types


Frequency alerts occur when a certain number of events ( as defined by relation and qty) occur within a certain period of time.

Here are some examples:

  • “20 or more failed login events with in the past 1 hour”


name: "Too many login failures"
tql_query: '"failed login"'
index: "secure-log-*"
    start: "now-1h"
    end: "now"
    type: "frequency"
    qty: 20
    relation: ">="
  • “300 or more Nginx logs with an error code of 502 in the last 1 minute”


name: "NGINX 502 errors"
tql_query: "status:502 | terms field=hostname"
index: "nginx-access-*"
    start: "now-1m"
    end: "now"
    type: "frequency"
    qty: 300
    relation: ">="
  • “Less than 1000 events on all of our NGINX logs for the past 1 hour”


name: "Low event count on NGINX, possible log outage"
tql_query: "*"
index: "nginx-access-*"
    start: "now-1h"
    end: "now"
    type: "frequency"
    qty: 1000
    relation: "le"

Aggregation Match

Agg Match alerts are useful for aggregation based alerts where the keys and values can change depending on your data. Often times the result of most metric based aggregtions will a field called value. This type of alert type can use a regular expression to match the value and compare it to our qty and relation fields

When you use an agg_match, Tattle will flatten the aggregation returned so it can be iterated against and matched by a regular expression.

Take this example a return

    "hits": {
        "hits": [],
        "total": 2,
        "max_score": 0.0
    "_shards": {
        "successful": 5,
        "failed": 0,
        "total": 5
    "took": 31,
    "aggregations": {
        "terms": {
            "buckets": [
                    "avg": {
                        "value": 90.8
                    "key": "someserver1.somecompany.net",
                    "doc_count": 1
                    "avg": {
                        "value": 93.5
                    "key": "someserver2.somecompany.net",
                    "doc_count": 1
            "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
            "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0
    "timed_out": false

Tattle would flatten the aggregations section this to

aggregations.terms.buckets.0.avg.value = 90.8
aggregations.terms.buckets.0.key = someserver1.somecompany.net
aggregations.terms.buckets.1.avg.value = 93.5
aggregations.terms.buckets.1.key = someserver2.somecompany.net

So if we wanted to look for any values in our aggs that are >= 90 we would use the regular expression ^.value$ as our match key.

Some examples

Basic example where we look for any value that is >= 90

    type: "agg_match"
    field: '^.*value$'
    relation: ">="
    qty: 90

Or if we wanted to only look at only the first bucket, for a value >= 20

    type: "agg_match"
    field: '^\.buckets\.0.*value$'
    relation: ">="
    qty: 20

Alert Actions

Actions are what is taken after the Tale has met its alert threshold.

You can also have multiple actions per Tale. In our example Tale, you can we have two actions configured, one to send Emails, and one to send the alerts to Pager Duty as well.


Probably the most common alert action. Tattle sends a formatted, HTML email to recipient(s)

The email server properties are stored in $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tattle/tattle.yaml, so please set that up first before you proceed with email alerts

Tale Examples:


        # Optional - We can enable or disable this action with this flag
        enabled: 1
        # Required - Who the email should go to
        to: [ 'alerts@company.com', 'manager@company.com' ]
        # Optional - If we should send a sperate email for every match.  If this is not set, then the all of the results are sent in one email
            # The match key, is the part of the result we use our primary key for sperating the results in seperate emails
            # In this case its "key" since its the key of the aggregation.  In our case this will be the hostname
            # If we had 4 hosts that matched then we would have 4 seperate emails.  Tattle will append the 'match_key' to the subject of the email as well
            match_key: "key"
        # Optional - A link to a external url to be shown in the email
        client_url: 'https://someapp.company.com'
        # Optional - kibana4_dashbaord to link to a kibana dashbaord.  When using this, Tattle will add the times from the Tale into the dashboard link, note this works for kibana4 dashbaords only
        kibana4_dashboard: 'http://kibana.company.com/app/kibana#/dashboard/OurAwesomeDashboard'

Email are generated from a template via the Jinja Templating framework. By default the email template is located in $TATTLE_HOME/usr/share/templates/html/email.html .

You can use your own template(s) if you wish. Just specify template_dir and template_name in $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tattle/email.yml.

Example $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tattle/email.yml

port: 25
default_sender: 'tattle@dev.local'
subject_prefix: 'Tattle PROD - '
# Specify where we are storing our Jinja tempaltes for our email
template_dir: /some/dir/with/my/templates
# Specify which template name we need to use in our template_dir
template_name: my_custom_email_template.html.j2

If you want to know more about Jinja, checkout the Jinja Docs


The script alert action allows you to specify a script to run when the alert is fired/triggerd. When Tattle fires off the script, it passes in the results from the alert, the Tale definition, and the TQL query intentions for use within the script.

When the script is called, three arguments are passed in to, each argument will contain JSON as its data.

  • $1 - The results, or matches from the alert
  • $2 - The Tale details that was responsible for triggering this alert
  • $3 - The TQL Query intentions

Your script must be in $TATTLE_HOME/bin/scripts and must be executable.


The script will run as whatever user Tattle runs as. For example if you run Tattle under a user called tattle, then the script will run as the user tattle.

Here is an example script that will echo out each of the ARGV’s

echo 'RESULTS:'
echo $1

echo 'TALE:'
echo $2

echo $3

Pager Duty

Another very common use for Tattle is to send its alert direclty to Pager Duty.

Pager Duty alerts can be setup to Service Key, as defined in Pager Duty itself. The service Key definitions can be stored in the $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tattle/pagerduty.yaml and can be referenced in the action by thier title.

Example $TATTLEHOME/etc/tattle/pagerduty.yaml

    service_key: "<service key>"
    service_key: "<service_key>"
    service_key: "<service_key>"

Example Tale action

        # Optional - We can enable or disable this action here
        enabled: 1
        # Required - The name of the service key to use, as defined in pagerduty.yaml
        service_key: "TattleAlerts"
        # Optional - The URL to specify for the 'View In' part of Pagerduty.  This could be Kibana dashboard or any web application you wish
        client_url: "https://kibana.company.com/app/kibana#/dashboard/OurAwesomeDashboard"
        # Optional - kibana4_dashbaord to link to a kibana dashbaord which will be shown in 'View In'.  When using this, Tattle will add the times from the Tale into the dashboard link, note this works for kibana4 dashbaords only
        kibana4_dashboard: 'http://kibana.company.com/app/kibana#/dashboard/OurAwesomeDashboard'
        # Optional - If we should compile seperate pagerduty alerts for each match.  If this is not set, then the all of the results are sent in one PD alert
            # The match key, is the part of the result we use our primary key for sperating the results in seperate PD alerts
            # In this case its "key" since its the key of the aggregation.  In our case this will be the hostname
            # If we had 4 hosts that matched then we would have 4 seperate Pagerduty alerts.  Tattle will append the 'match_key' to the subject of the Pagerduty alert as well
            match_key: "key"

Microsoft Teams

Tattle supports posting a MessageCard to the MS Teams channel of your choice via a webhook

Before you proceed, please fill in the defaults ( which can be overridden on a per Tale/Action basis ) in $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tattle/msteams.yml


    # The Webhook URL for the MS Teams channel you wish to post to
    webhook_url: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/.....
    # What to prefix the Tale Title with
    title_prefix: 'Tattle -'
    # If we should verify SSL or not, useful when behind some corporate proxies, default is True
    # ssl_verify: true
    # Proxy address if needed
    # proxy: http://user:password@some.corp.proxy.com:80

    My Teams Alert Channel Name:
        # Webhook url for your channel
        webhook_url: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/.....
    Some Other Channel Name:
        webhook_url: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/.....<some other channel name>
        webhook_url: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/.....<some other channel name>


        enabled: 1
        # Optional teams_channel - The alias of the teams channel you wish to send the alert to
        # This can be a list of channels if you wish to sent to multiple channels at the same time
        # Note the channel aliases are defined in $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tattle/msteams.yml
            - My Teams Alert Channel
            - Some Other Channel Name
            - AnotherAlertChannel
        once_per_match: # Optional
            # The match key, is the part of the result we use our primary key for sperating the results in seperate PD alerts
            # In this case its "key" since its the key of the aggregation.  In our case this will be the hostname
            # If we had 4 hosts that matched then we would have 4 seperate Pagerduty alerts.  Tattle will append the 'match_key' to the subject of the Tale Title as well
            match_key: "key"
        kibana4_dashboard: 'http://kibana.company.com/app/kibana#/dashboard/OurAwesomeDashboard'

Or if you wanted to post this message to a differnt channel, simply overwrite the webhook_url that points to your desired channel in the action. Example

        webhook_url: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/<my_other_channel>


Tattle has support for posting its alert into a Slack channel of your choice

Before you proceed with Slack alerting, please fill in the defaults ( which can be overridden on a per Tale/Action basis ) in $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tattle/slack.yml

In the defaults section, fill in the info with whatever makes sense for your envionment. As stated, these can be overridden on a per-tale/action basis if you wish as well ( example below ). Default

    webhook_url: 'https://mywebhook.slack.com'
    channel: 'eng-alerts'
    username: 'Tattle'
    msg_color: 'danger'
    title_prefix: 'Tattle -'
    emoji: ':squirrel:'

Then in your Tale action, just specify slack Example

        enabled: 1
        once_per_match: # Optional
            # The match key, is the part of the result we use our primary key for sperating the results in seperate PD alerts
            # In this case its "key" since its the key of the aggregation.  In our case this will be the hostname
            # If we had 4 hosts that matched then we would have 4 seperate Pagerduty alerts.  Tattle will append the 'match_key' to the subject of the Tale Title alert as well
            match_key: "key"
        kibana4_dashboard: 'http://kibana.company.com/app/kibana#/dashboard/OurAwesomeDashboard'

Or if you wanted to post this alert in another channel from the default, and change the default emoji

        emoji: ':fire:'
        channel: someotherchannel

By default slack will map the severity of an alert to an emoji as specified in $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tattle/slack.yml. This can be customized by changing the regex keys in the emoji_severity_map to match your severity system in your environment. The default is

    'crit|5': ':fire:'
    'high|4': ':rage:'
    'med|3': ':grimacing:'
    'low|2': ':disappointed:'
    'info|1': ':sunglasses:'

If you want to override the defaults, you can do so on a per Tale/action basis like so:`


        # Optional - if the action is enabled or not ( default is True )
        enabled: 1
        # Required - The webhook url to use for the slack intergration
        webhook_url: 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/TTAsdfQ/asdfasdf/asdfasdfasdf'
        # Required - the slack channel to post the alert to
        channel: 'engineering-channel'
        once_per_match: # Optional
            # The match key, is the part of the result we use our primary key for sperating the results in seperate PD alerts
            # In this case its "key" since its the key of the aggregation.  In our case this will be the hostname
            # If we had 4 hosts that matched then we would have 4 seperate Pagerduty alerts.  Tattle will append the 'match_key' to the subject of the Pagerduty alert as well
            match_key: "key"
        # optional - A link to a external url which will be displayed in the Title of the Slack alert
        client_url: 'https://someapp.company.com'
        # optional kibana4_dashbaord to link to a kibana dashbaord.  When using this, Tattle will add the times from the Tale into the dashboard link, note this works for kibana4 dashbaords only
        kibana4_dashboard: 'http://kibana.company.com/app/kibana#/dashboard/OurAwesomeDashboard'

Multiple Tales

Its often useful to group Tales by their purpose. For example, you might want to group your Nginx Access Tales together, your Nginx Error Tales sperately, and your Securelog Tales together. Lets say we have 20 differnt Nginx Tales, and 10 different Securelog Tales; that would mean we would have have at least 30 seperate Tale .yaml files in our $TATTLE_HOME/etc/tales directory. As you can imagine, the more you use Tattle, the more unwieldy this can get.

Luckily Tattle allows you to define multiple Tales in one .yaml file to alleviate this issue. Using the example below, you can see how we grouped two Nginx Tales into one file. There can be as many Tales as you want this one in one yaml file.



        <tale #1>
        <tale #2>
        <tale #3>

Example Multi Tale

Example for NGINX logs

    # Tale 1
        name: "NGINX 502 Spike"
        description: "A high number of 501's have occured in our NGINX logs"
        severity: "Criticial"
        tql_query: "status:502"
        index: "nginx-access-*"
        enabled: 1
        schedule_interval: "1m"
            start: "now-1m"
            end: "now"
            type: "frequency"
            relation: "ge"
            qty: 10
            realert: "15m"
            return_matches: false
                enabled: 1
                to: 'alerts@mycompany.com'

    # Tale 2
        name: "NGINX 404 Spike"
        description: "A high number of 404's have occured in our NGINX logs"
        severity: "Medium"
        tql_query: "status:404"
        index: "nginx-access-*"
        enabled: 1
        schedule_interval: "1m"
            start: "now-1m"
            end: "now"
            type: "frequency"
            relation: "ge"
            qty: 400
            realert: "15m"
            return_matches: false
                enabled: 1
                to: 'alerts@mycompany.com'
                enabled: 1
                service_key: "TattleAlerts"
                    match_key: "key"